Exhibition: Art and Trade Along the Silk Roads

© Dallas Museum of Arts

The Dallas Museum of Art in Texas is orchestrating an exhibition treating the material goods of the Silk Roads. Beginning on 16 December 2017, lasting through 9 December 2018, the exhibition titled Asian Textiles: Art and Trade Along the Silk Road will showcase fine examples of garments and ornamental hangings, often luxury items, that traveled across the Silk Roads.

The garments are coming from many corners of the ancient Silk Roads, including India, Central Asia, China, and Japan. Some of the fabrics feature colored ink paintings on textile backgrounds, and range from a Japanese fireman’s coat to an Indian sari and a Chinese dragon robe.

This exhibition highlights one of the most important elements of the Silk Roads – the passage of unique luxury goods throughout the many important cities between Far East Asia, through the Middle East and into Europe. The exhibition is open to the public with free admission.

Esta página ha sido desarrollada y entretenida con el apoyo de:


Sede de la UNESCO

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 París, Francia

Sector de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

Sección de Investigación, políticas y prospectiva

Programa de las Rutas de la Seda

