Traditional Craftsmanship along the Silk Roads

© Munira Malakbozova / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

The special importance of artisanal products stems from their inherently unique and distinctive features, whether used for utilitarian, aesthetic, artistic, cultural, decorative, traditional, religious or symbolic purposes. These are produced without restriction in terms of quantity and using raw materials from sustainable resources.

Artisan products are one of the major legacies of the Silk Roads, along which trade and exchange continued for hundreds of years between people of different regions. Traditional silk products, such as handkerchiefs, clothes and carpets, as well as different metal works, porcelains and ceramics, books, natural dyes and even various local and regional gastronomies, have not only contributed to both commercial and cultural exchanges, but have also become foundations of cultural identity for peoples along the Silk Roads. Moreover, crafts are an important means of sustainable development for the many different communities that have grown up alongside these historic routes.

This Silk Roads online platform presents and promotes the creative industries of the regions along the Silk Roads in view of protecting craft creations for future generations.

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