Academic Conference “Civilizations of the Great Silk Road from the Past to the Future: perspectives from Natural, Social and Human Sciences”

Samarkand, Uzbekistan © UNESCO

The year 2017 is the 20th anniversary of the fulfillment of the UNESCO’s ten-year Silk Roads Project “Integral Study of the Silk Roads: Roads of Dialogue.” As it was established in 1995 by UNESCO (EX 146/Decisions 4.2 para. 51) in the course of implementation of the Silk Roads Project in order to conduct academic research, IICAS is obliged to review the past and prospect the future of the Silk Roads through various perspectives. 

The conference covers topics of humanities, social sciences, technologies and intangible cultural heritage presented by the 40 scholars from 12 countries (including UNESCO) divided by six sessions. 12 scholars from seven countries who could not participate in the conference contributed their articles to the conference. All these articles will be published on the biannual Academic Bulletin of IICAS in last part of this year.


Country profile

flag Uzbekistan
Capital: Tashkent
Region: Asia y el Pacífico

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