Singtai (1550)

Singtai Shipwreck Jar (

The Singtai shipwreck lies at a depth of 53 meters, 12 nautical miles from the island of Pulau Redang off the north-eastern coast of peninsular Malaysia.  It appears to be a heavily loaded vessel approximately 22 meters in length.  The construction of the ship which includes transverse bulkheads made from soft wood (joined by square iron nails) suggests that it may have been built in China.

The main cargo appears to be storage jars in various shapes, mostly from the Maenam Noi kilns of Singburi, Thailand.  The larger ones are barrel-shaped with singularly thick loop-like handles at the shoulder.  Most of the jars, small and large, display dark brown glaze that covers the upper two-thirds of the body.

The Silk Roads on the Map

Country profile

flag Malaysia
Capital: Kuala Lumpur
Region: Asia y el Pacífico

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