Authority for the preservation of Mohenjo-daro

200 miles north of Karachi lie the remains of the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro, one of the most striking monuments from the dawn of civilisation. Populated from 2500 – 1500 BC, but then abandoned, it was only rediscovered in 1921. However, two serious problems face these magnificent ruins: they are being eroded by the Indus River, and they are being corroded by the salt being brought to the surface as the water table rises dramatically. In fact, since the construction of the Sukkur dam in 1932, the water table has risen by about 13 feet. To tackle this problem, a three-stage scheme has been implemented to lower the water table by approximately 12 feet through a sequenced construction of tube wells, which will help to syphon off the destructive water – and the salt.

Related Information

  • Author(s):
    Project Director, North Dadu Surface Drainage Project Sukkur
    2500 BC to present day
    Language of article:

    Al-Sind and Arab Seafaring: Culture, commerce and Urbanization. 29-30 November, 1990. Karachi, Pakistan.


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