Resist-dyed Slip Dress on Tabby Ground with Samite Trim

Tang dynasty, 7-8th centuries

L: 47 cm, W: 137 cm


This piece of silk dress on dark brown tabby ground, consists of three parts: straps, dress, and samite trim. There are 19 horizontal stripes in the fabric below chest dyed with resist-dyeing technology. Two wide jin hems are stitched on the dress, one being large pearl roundels enclosing motifs of goats on brown ground, while the other being confronted birds in pearl roundel on red ground. Both of them are weft-faced twill, typical central Asian and Persian style, similar dresses are also found in tombs in Dulan, Qinghai province.

Country profile

flag China
Capital: Pekín
Region: Asia y el Pacífico

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