Roundtable ‘Philosophical dialogue between East and West along the Silk Roads’

©️ Ayana Sergebayeva

Roundtable on ‘Philosophical dialogue between East and West along the Silk Roads’
Friday 18 November, 15h00 – 17h00 (CET, GMT +1)
UNESCO Headquarters in Paris and online via Zoom

A roundtable event ‘Philosophical dialogue between the East and the West along the Silk Roads’ will be held on 18 November at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris and online. This event is part of ‘Philosophy along the Silk Roads – World Philosophy Day Parallel Sessions’ marking World Philosophy Day 2022 and follows the 'International Symposium on ‘Scientific and Cultural Exchanges along the Silk Roads’ taking place on 18 November from 9:30 to 12:30.

The roundtable discussions will focus on the contributions of the field of Philosophy to cultural exchanges between the East and the West underlining the role of Islamic philosophers such as Al-Farabi. It will bring together academics from around the world including members of the International Network of Focal Points for the Silk Roads Programme. 

The Roundtable will be open to members of the general public who may participate as audience members in-person at UNESCO HQ in Paris by filling this form or online by via the following ZOOM link.


Please click here to see the event's agenda.


Practical Information: 

Time: Friday 18 November 2022, 3:00 pm (Paris time)
Address: UNESCO Headquarters - Room IX 
Entrance: 125, avenue de Suffren, 75015 Paris 
Metro: Line 10 Ségur-UNESCO, line 6 Cambronne, line 8 École Militaire 
Bus: 28, 87, 80, 82 
Vélib stations: 7018 (Ségur) or 7013 (Duroc)


Related information: 

World Philosophy Day 2022: the forthcoming Human

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Region: Europa y América del Norte

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