Online Conference ‘La Convivencia d'al-Andalus: the truth of a myth’

© Juhi Mody - UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

‘La Convivencia d’al-Andalus: the truth of a myth’ online conference is organised by the 'House of Wisdom Fez-Granada' and will take place online on 11 April 2021 at 10am Paris and 11am Madrid, respectively.  

This conference will analyse the concept of ‘Convivencia’, a period from the early 8th to late 15th century characterised as one in which different groups of people coexisted in a complex set of interactions which impacted Andalusia and regions beyond. The conference will provide an opportunity to learn more about this rich and diverse time in Spanish and Mediterranean history, particularly of the Andalusian era in which Jews, Christians, and Muslims interacted and coexisted in a pivotal moment in the history of the Silk Roads.  

It will be held in the presence of Jose Antonio González Alcantud a world-renowned social anthropologist and historian and professor of social anthropology at the University of Granada. He is also the director of the Observatory of Cultural Foresight at the University of Granada and the correspondent of the Academician of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of Spain. In 2019 he received the International Giuseppe Cocchiara Award (Italy) for Anthropological Studies. 

The event has been organised with the support of the Focal Point of Spain for the Silk Roads Programme, Mr José Maria Chiquillo Barber. 


All are invited to join this online conference via the links below: 

First part: From 10:30 –11:15am (Paris time, GMT +1): here 

5 minutes break 

Second Part: From 11:15 – 12pm (Paris time, GMT +1): here 

The conference will be held in Spanish, French, and English.

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Capital: Madrid
Region: Europa y América del Norte

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