

Working across science and policy, we assist our Member States in adopting science-based solutions to strengthen preparedness and improve emergency response to ocean hazards, from tsunamis to harmful algal blooms (HABs).

Harmful Algal Bloom Programme

Today, virtually every coastal country in the world is affected by harmful blooms of microscopic algae or phytoplankton. These blooms can kill marine life and even cause death in humans. The IOC's International Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Programme works to help Member States develop the research and management capacity needed to understand the causes of these blooms, predict their occurrences, and mitigate their effects.

Harmful Algal Bloom Programme

Global Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation Programme

Coordinated by IOC-UNESCO, the Global Tsunami Warning System plays a critical role in protecting lives. The IOC-UNESCO Tsunami Programme supports Member States in assessing tsunami risk, implementing Tsunami Early Warning Systems (EWS) and in educating communities at risk about preparedness measures. With the support of Tsunami Service Providers and Tsunami Information Centers, IOC-UNESCO helps Member States in assessing tsunami risk, implementing Tsunami EWS and in educating communities at risk about preparedness measures.

Global Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation Programme

Tsunami Ready Programme

The Tsunami Ready programme seeks to build resilient communities through awareness and preparedness strategies that will protect life, livelihoods, and property from tsunamis in different regions. The main goal of the programme is to improve coastal community preparedness for tsunamis and to minimize the loss of life, livelihoods, and property. This is achieved through a collaborative effort to meet a standard level of tsunami preparedness through the fulfilment of a set of established indicators. The Tsunami Ready programme is implemented as a voluntary, performance-based community recognition programme that promotes an understanding of the concept of readiness as an active collaboration among national and local warning and emergency management agencies and government authorities, scientists, community leaders, and the public.

Tsunami Ready Programme